Friday, March 11, 2016


I shivered on the deck, that lead to the glass doors, that led to more than a hundred people sitting in white folding chairs. "Wait 5 seconds, then go." said Decemeber, the wedding planner. I looked at the bride behind me, pushed open the doors, and walked down the aisle. Three more bridesmaids followed after me. I stood through the ceremony, and clapped and laughed at the appropriate times. My bare legs shivered in the October air. I had never been Missouri, and I hadn't expected it to be so cold. My dress was sleeveless, short, and bright blue. I smiled, linked arms with my brother, who was a Jr. Groomsmen, and I was a Jr. Bridesmaid. We linked arms, and walked down the aisle. We didn't trip, like I was scared we would. We just smiled, made eye contact with our parents, and celebrated. And then, from the fence that led from the rooftop pool, out came a marching band.  I laughed, and gasped. We followed the marching band to the hotel. The reception lasted for hours, and we danced all night. We ate tiny slivers of the most delicious cake I have ever tasted. And then we danced more. By the time we left I was screaming so loud, because the music had been loud. From our hotel room upstairs, I could still hear music playing. I thought about how much fun I had as I fell asleep.


  1. This sounds really fun! its super descriptive and cool. Nice job little jr. bridesmaid

  2. Great job! You described the moment really well!

  3. This sounds like a fun day! You set the scene of that moment really well.
