Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Fireflies and Quick Changes

I know that after "She's in Love", I don't have to go on again until "Kiss the Girl." I take off my tail, and run around the gym barefoot. I put on a little headband, and pretend to buzz around like a firefly. We hear "Poor Unfortunate Souls" and "Les Poissons" in the background. 5 4, 3, 2, 1, and we open the door. Stagecraft runs around backstage. It is dark, and we can hear the scene on now. We grab reeds, run the lyrics through our minds, and in the dark I climb on stage. I crouch in the corner, nodding and laughing at the appropriate moments. We walk around the little rowboat while singing the song. The water then gets electrocuted and we all fly off. I bolt backstage, and pull on a pink skirt and a tiara. I walk over the stairs and sing my line. I bat my eyes and twirl in the long skirt. I really feel like a princess. We act happy, sad, scared, and the scene is over. I pull my tail back on to become a mermaid again. The final scene is here, thank goodness! It's so exciting: singing those final words. We smile at the finish, glad to be done, and excited again for tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. I get the same feelings. I'm so excited for opening night!!
