Things Fall Apart is a historical fiction book. The main character is named Okonkwo and it is a story about his family and his life. He lives in a town called Umuofia, in Nigeria. He starts to really like Ikemefuna. One thing that I really liked about this book was that it showed a lot of examples of a different culture. One week in the story is called the sacred week, which is supposed to be very peaceful, but Okonkwo broke the peace, and got a bad reputation in his community. But he was still very powerful Okonkwo got another son from a different village. His name was Ikemefuna, and Okonkwo really came to like him. But three years later Okonkwo killed Ikemefuna as a sacrifice. There are a lot of things like this that happen in the book. I think that Things Fall Apart was a good book, but the plot was a little bit confusing and unclear. I would maybe recommend this book.
For the next book group I would like to read a historical fiction or non fiction book because those are types of books that I do not read a lot of, but I have liked those books when I read them before.